28 Jun

Have you ever opened a new toy or a box of furniture for your child that needs to be assembled and been startled by the smell of the box?

Facts About Formaldehyde

 Formaldehyde is a colorless, flammable gas at room temperature and is known to have a strong odor. It is found in resins used to make composite wood products such as hardwood plywood, particleboard, MDF (medium density fibreboard) and other building materials and insulation. Formaldehyde is also present in tobacco smoke. You can also find it in common household products such as: glues, permanently pressed fabrics, paints and coatings, lacquers and finishes, paper products, dishwashing liquids, fabric softeners, fertiliser's and pesticides, and more. Before you panic and decide to hire a formaldehyde company, let's look at a few numbers.

Indoor or outdoor?

Formaldehyde levels in indoor air are generally higher—typically 0.02-4 parts per million (ppm), while outdoor air levels are much lower—only 0.001-0.02 ppm in urban areas and even more in rural areas. few. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) states that the following observable symptoms occur when humans breathe formaldehyde-contaminated air. Levels of 0.1 to 0.5 ppm can cause significant nasal and eye irritation, neurological effects, and an increased risk of asthma and/or allergies. Levels from 0.6 to 1.9 ppm can cause eczema and changes in lung function, and high levels of exposure may lead to certain types of cancer.

EPA Emission Standards Effective June 1, 2018, composite wood products sold, supplied, manufactured, or imported in the U.S. are marked as CARB ATCM Phase II or TSCA Title VI compliant. For more information on indoor air quality and home construction, this EPA webpage is a great resource for videos, podcasts, and webinars from Indoor airPLUS. Product Emission Standards: Hardwood Plywood – Veneer Core 0.05 ppm Formaldehyde, Hardwood Plywood – Composite Core 0.05 ppm Formaldehyde, Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) 0.11 ppm Formaldehyde, Thin MDF 0.13 ppm Formaldehyde, Particleboard 0.09 ppm Formaldehyde.  除甲醛 Contact EnviroSafe for disinfection and sterilisation services or formaldehyde removal services, and will provide professional, high-quality environmental safety services.

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